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Professional Development

EBIS professional development programmes typically concentrate on the intermediate and advanced levels of subjects in the health, safety, environment and FM fields. As such they tend to be attended by professionals working in those fields in a wide range of organisations. The majority of attendees are already qualified in their field, eg, NEBOSH, IOSH, and are often members of a professional body such as, the Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH).


Many of our programmes are therefore designed to support and further attendees continuing personal and professional development objectives which we fully support. With the IOSH CPD scheme you can self-allocate credits. You can award yourself up to 3 credits for your chosen course. For example, 1 credit for a course that provides some personal development increasing to 3 credits for a course that contributes a considerable amount of development.


A certificate of attendance will be sent to all delegates to support their CPD records. For other CPD schemes, such as CIBSE, please check the relevant CPD guidance for the allocation of credits. EBIS is fully in support of the IOSH policy on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) which in part states “The Institution urges employers to support members striving to improve competence and effectiveness via CPD.


Not only is it a legal requirement under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to have access to competent health and safety advice, it also makes good business sense. Individuals who commit themselves to CPD will become more effective contributors to their employers' and clients' businesses, as well as increasing their own motivation".